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Child First Aid (CFA) (Infant/Child Care Provider)

CFA Certification Course






Total: 20 hours (Full Course)
- E Learning (Theory): 8 hours
- Classroom (Practical): 12 hours

Total: 16 hours (Refresher Course)
- E Learning (Theory): 8 hours
- Classroom (Practical): 8 hours


Skillsfuture funding available for Singaporean and Permanent Residents age 21 and above. Prevailing funding of 50% to 70% depending on age and/or company profile.

Singapore Resuscitation And First Aid Council (SRFAC)

Early Childhood And Development Agency (ECDA)

About This Course
The Child First Aid (CFA) Refresher Course allows infant or childcare providers to recap and be updated on the adequate first aid skills and knowledge that caters to child related medical emergencies. Participants will go through interactive classroom teaching, practice and assessment to learn a systematic approach when responding with emergency situations. Participants will be proficient in handling the infant or child’s physical and mental well-being in the most appropriate manner and also risk identification to help caregivers to prevent accidents.

What You Will Learn
The Child First Aid (CFA) Refresher Course is suitable for infant or childcare providers who have direct interaction with children such as childcare centres, preschools, and as professional caregivers. The course will provide participants with the essential lifesaving knowledge and skillsets catered to infant and children. Participants will learn according to the latest guidelines provided by Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC) and approved by Early Childhood and Development Agency (ECDA). Upon completion of course and assessment, a certificate with 2 years validity will be awarded.

This course is accredited by Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council

and approved Early Childhood and Development Agency

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